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  • Writer's pictureTerra Leigh

The Slams

So, I caught a case of "The Slams" this year and participated in a few exhibition slams in the community.

Now, I know most of the rules for regular slams: memorized, timed, scoring, and cuts. However, these exhibition slams tweaked the rules, which meant I could read my work from the page and still participate. (I have nothing against memorizing your pieces. In fact, I love people who can do so. I just don't have the time for that right now.)

But let me tell you.

There's just something about slams and the competition that really gets me. I'm a competitive person in general, so I always try to do my best.

But these slams I've participated in have been amazing!

Everyone's showing love for one another's work. There is no trash talking (unless the banter to the judges). And there's no real loser.

At the end of the day, great poems are presented and appreciated. That's what matters.

Will I ever be a slam poet? Probably not, even though it looks fun.

But if I can give any advice to you readers, it's this: Always try something new. Read different types of poetry. Try a new style of writing. Anything, not just with writing.

When you do that, you learn more about yourself, who you are, and it could be fun.

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